Friday, 13 March 2009

Love Kills

...Little Boots (buffetlibre vs sidechains remix)

Getting me in the mood for Gatecrasher tonight, girls night out with Hannah, Steph and Jemma, I'm sure will either end disastrously or fabulous. Have an hour till Jemma arrives, then little drink before departing for pre-drinks with last years hamstead hall jocks who I don't really know, and who I'm prettyy sure don't like me anyway. Ah lolz.

After just helping the boys to eat their £100 worth of pizza & wedges & chicken wings (all in aid of James' birthday), I'm hoping I'll still be able to fit in my dress which is tight enough after I had to adjust it to fit to me in the first place, but me being an amateur at this kind of thing just pinned it, sewed and hoped for the best.

Today I proudly purchased these beauties, and for a mere £5 from the cleverly named store '1 pound...or 2, or a bit more'. After trekking round every tacky shop in Birmingham city centre I found not one pair of gold leggings, and after being told that painting myself gold was a bad idea (I still think it would have been beautiful), I have decided not to be the sun, but the moon instead and go SILVER. Now that Beckie has given up this outfit so that she can dress as a darlic....yes, it means that no matter how silly I look, I'll be stood next to a girl with a plunger and whisk attached to her hands, so I doubt anyone will even notice me.
I'm so excited, I look like an actual Christmas turkey in them :)

Right must get myself ready, do a bit of jogging on the spot to work off those chicken wings maybe?

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