...Eddie Vedder
WOW the weather has been SO nice these past few days, and it's been like a holiday :)
SATURDAY: was shopping day, food then round town looking for holiday clothes for Beckie and stocking up on our suncreams, aftersuns and toiletries. Then in the evening drinks along the canal, starting at the Flapper and then to the Malt House, and to Snobs for a dance, losing and picking up a few people along the way, but ending up with Alex, James, Naveeta and me all going back to Alexs.
SUNDAY: Alex drove us home, another hottt day, so I decided to try and do some work in the park, but after about 20mins of reading 'A Beginners Guide to Flash' I decided it wasn't really a ready-in-the-sun kinda book, so went back for my laptop and an actual ready-book.
MONDAY: spent the day in uni attempting Flash before walking home in the sun to get ready quick before Tom & Jack arrived. Tom managed to walk himself all the way to ours from the station, whereas Jack got the bus and missed the stop by a mile, when we eventually got back to ours he'd been in about 20 minutes before having 'an accident' with the beer all over out bathroom floor. Eventually he got ready and we made our way to Island Bar where the cocktails we 2 for 1, score!
Went for a Bramble, Pina Colada and Emerald City,all lovely but there were so many more nice ones that I'll have to be going back for.
We finally left there managing to get to Gatecrasher before they stopped letting in, it was PACKED, but we made our way to the back room for a sing song and dance.
TUESDAY: Beckie's actual birthday. We took the boys to Canon Hill Park for ice creams and frisbee. Then went for a drink at the Malt House on the canal before meeting the Oscott lot and heading over to Pizza Express. Decided to go for a Margaretta with a difference, ie. it had a hole in the middle which was filled with salad. It was the 30% less calories which attracted me...clearly its just 30% less pizza. A good night other than the usual harassment from Screech... Oh dear.
And today the holiday is over and weather is turning grey all ready for Jam & Jens birthday on friday BBQ :(
On the work front I have 10/12 photos printed, and Flash is going well so far, looks like I will actually have a functioning game to hand in - YESS!
Gosh, I thought I'd been doing well with less long boring posts =/ Apparently not.