It's been a while, pretty busy pissing around with bits of uni work, working at my usual sloow pace.
I do now have a temporary free-hosted website, still needs a lot of work, but think that will have to wait until I get back from Canada as it's gunna be rushrushrush until then!
Recent happenings...
Went to Leeds last weekend, a little visit to Jack's, meeting Tom and Matt there as well. We went to his gig with the Young Sergeants, which was only their 3rd gig so think it was pretty good!

Since then I also had a visit from my mum yesterday, had lunch in town and she treated me to a jacket, which was out of stock yesterday, but alas I popped back today and it was in, yay! :) Gosh full price item in Topshop, I do feel extravagant even if I didn't actually pay for it!
Also, big news for me; Tootsie Roll has landed in Selfridges Food Hall! Beckie bought me some the other day, it has taken me 3 days to run out of that bag so I've had to go back for more, eek!
Finally got round to downloading the new Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Metric and Maximo albums - so far so GOOD.
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