Yes still a major lack of posts, but we've been busy making our own internet-less fun over bank holiday. Sherree and I made this choccie cake with our new heart tin, which we bought on our shopping spree to spruce up the flat. Also purchased a nice welcoming door mat (everyone has them, I felt left out) and some fake flowers from the cash and carry at the bottom the road.

Also popped down to Ikon Eastside, which I've been walking past everyday but never had the chance to go in. The video installation on at the moment was a lovely break from the busy bank holiday crowds. Lazing about on bean bags gazing at Sergio Vega's paradise is a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Just so you don't have to listen on their website and have them sneakily post to your facebook at the same time.
Listening to this, plus all my old music which I've finally loaded on the mac, also reminds me that I haven't been festival-ing this year. Which is slightly sad. But a break from Leeds was needed, and as of yesterday I have a burning desire to do a different one next year, perhaps even abroad. Yes, I'm pretty crazy like that. Anyway, I have a year to plan.
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