Here I am on a Sunday evening, very numb bum after being sat here all afternoon trying and failing to get the first chapter of my dissertation written. Getting distracted by everything and anything.
This week we went mini golfing and laser questing. It was v. fun. Mini golfing, I'm not so great at (third to last. boo), but laser questing, it seems, I am much more masterful than expected. Had great fun running about, hiding round corners, jumping out to shoot the juvenile delinquents who we were sharing our session with. (Note, v. v. v. small boy with attitude + hoody + cigarette = scarrry)

This week I have written myself a long list of things to be achieved before I have guests to stay and disrupt my work flow at the weekend.
- DISSERTATION. No messing now, must stick to deadlines. eek
- Spring clean of house
- Make masquerade mask, atm mine is taking the form of spiderman. It must have a makeover
- Animation day, prior to which will be animation planning
- Tomorrow's first workshop for Media Talent Bank, it's Social Media. ooooo.
Alright, well after making that schedule, I guess I should give myself a break for tea time. Food = Fuel. Fuel = dissertation.
Will leave you with a bit of Gaga and her pinky pinky hair. Mine is not, nor will ever be this bright, do not fear.

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