Tuesday, 30 March 2010


...Motion City Soundtrack

I think my fave song of their new album. Which they played when we saw them at the O2 Sunday night, along with a whole load of classics. (But due to 5 albums, not quite as many classics as I'd have like. This is because they should just introduce a medley.) And they were amazing. Considering how tired/ slightly hungover/ bleugh I'd been feeling recovering from Friday and Saturday night, it turns out a lot of loud fun music that was just what I needed.

Photo courtesy of Jaime. Trust my battery to die as soon as I whip out the camera.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Her Morning Elegance

...Oren Lavie

Only managed to make it to one of the Flatpack events that were on last week and the weekend, but it was a free night of short films screened by Short & Sweet at Vivid. They were all real good, but this was one of my faves. A stop frame animation music video by The Nathans, giving us much inspiration for the animation we're making on wednesday. Enjoy :)

Friday, 26 March 2010

Natural's Not In It

...Gangs of Four.

I have two cakes in the oven. I need to do my hair and make-up and pick out an outfit, and I'm leaving for party time in an hour. You'd think I'd have more of a sense of urgency right?

I finished my mask today, ready for my 21st birthday celebrations tomorrow. Wanna seee?

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Jump in the pool

...Friendly Fires

Here I am on a Sunday evening, very numb bum after being sat here all afternoon trying and failing to get the first chapter of my dissertation written. Getting distracted by everything and anything.

This week we went mini golfing and laser questing. It was v. fun. Mini golfing, I'm not so great at (third to last. boo), but laser questing, it seems, I am much more masterful than expected. Had great fun running about, hiding round corners, jumping out to shoot the juvenile delinquents who we were sharing our session with. (Note, v. v. v. small boy with attitude + hoody + cigarette = scarrry)

This week I have written myself a long list of things to be achieved before I have guests to stay and disrupt my work flow at the weekend.
- DISSERTATION. No messing now, must stick to deadlines. eek
- Spring clean of house
- Make masquerade mask, atm mine is taking the form of spiderman. It must have a makeover
- Animation day, prior to which will be animation planning
- Tomorrow's first workshop for Media Talent Bank, it's Social Media. ooooo.

Alright, well after making that schedule, I guess I should give myself a break for tea time. Food = Fuel. Fuel = dissertation.

Will leave you with a bit of Gaga and her pinky pinky hair. Mine is not, nor will ever be this bright, do not fear.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Saturn's moon Enceladus

David A. Hardy (Acrylics)

So yesterday we went to the West Midlands Open 2010 exhibition at the Gas Hall, which is currently displaying work by local artists. After carefully inspecting every piece, I left with this clear favorite, the one that made me stop and go 'WOOAAH' (aside from the perfectly detailed pink flower on canvas, argh lifetime love). It may not look as amazing in this image, but up close it is really quite stunning. The colours, the detail, the texture, just great! Trust me to pick out the one dedicated space artist from the whole room :)
Anyhow, it's worth a look in if your about Birmingham, there's some really great pieces.

Sunday, 14 March 2010



Basically, I think this video is beautiful. It is what life would be if our eyes could see amazing colours in everything. And is by Neil Krug. Who I have only recently stumbled upon, but his work is AMAZING. I love. All.

This is also another in the way of hair ambitions. But since I'm not willing to go white-blonde then it's a rather distant ambition.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Away Frm U

...Oberhofer, for the none spotifyers

Hello dedicated reader(s?), this might be a big(ish) one since I haven't posted anything thing in agggges. Would like to say I have tones to show for this, but no, no I do not. Keep not posting because I think I have more important things to be doing them, but then I don't get those done either. But since I can't do anything until I've freed up enough space on my hard drive for files to open, and enough emails for my inbox to start sending again, I thought I may as well post.

So since my trip to York which was aggges ago, I had a visit from my sister, Tom and Jack. Usual events occurred, Jack got lost, we had a few drinks, ate a lottt of food, watched films and were really lazy.
Last weekend I then want to Manchester. My sister and I made mousakka, she's in first year so was kinda weird being in halls again, afraid to use anything in the kitchen without witnessing it being washed first and tiptoeing in and out of the teeny showers. Ahh freshers. Also weird hearing everyone with broad Northern accents, as oppose to everyone here where North goes as far as Stoke, and anything above is pretty much foregin.
Friday night was Passion Pit who were supported by Ellie Goulding. I tried to take pictures, but my camera is shitty so I failed. This is Passion Pit. This is the only picture I took that was in focus. BRAVO ME.

Saturday I spent the day with Ajay, Kerry and Phil, most of which we spent deciding what to have for tea and where to buy it. Over the years we have perfected the art of making an easy task very complex. Also visited the art museum, where we had great fun playing with coloured plastic tubes, making a landscape.
Sunday a quick shop and late lunch in Weatherspoons with Tom and Kerry before returning to B'ham.

So this weekend is the first one I've had on my own in quite a while, making saturday ALEX day. Great stuff.

Also had our first attempt at dying my sister's hair usuing hemp, which has a nice muddy/pooy/pesto consistency. So her hair is now orangey/reddy/brown, making me want to do something with mine. So I'm going for 1 of my two desired hair colours, a pinky tinge. Inspired by Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette, Gaga and Rachel McAdams. Mine is not quite as great of course, but I'm working on it.

Knowing my now not so regular posting pattern, I will leave you with some good songs to make up for the recent lack, and probably future lack.

This is another great from Wolfgang.

Wolf Gang, "Back To Back"

Fyfe Dangerfield When you walk in the room. Another Neon Gold link. Spotify is being pretty neglected atm.

And finally, I am weirdly obsessed with this song. Like, a lot.