So work is out of the way - finally! (I said this, blissfully ignoring the fact that I have a dissertation meeting on wednesday, and exam on thursday). All will be swell. The weekend has been spent yet again wasting an alarming amount of time on small tasks. Today a prime example, the 'morning asda shop' turned into all afternoon, scanning every aisle for necessary items, along with a few special treats. Treats including elderflower cordial, Pimms, rum, numerous muffin/ brownie/ truffle ingredients, fancy fruity twinning teas and frozen fruits. All of which amounting to not-so-surprisingly the most expensive food shop I have ever done, infact possibly the most expensive all in one go shop I have EVER done.
Not to worry, because this WILL last me a long time, and means i am no longer living off ready meals and soup. And from now on it will only be sensible - necessary - purchasing. By this of course I mean things that will contribute to my red squirrel costume for this friday's animal party. Going to be great, although I do fear that this will somewhat distract us from any form of revision before then.

Also. Don't have much to say, but will keep up with the weather updates. Snow is gone. This is sad because it means everywhere is no longer white, its back to gray and slushy green. But also slightly good because it means I can walk rather than slide, having no shoes with grip has been a bit of a set back, meaning I had to walk all round uni holding on to the nearest wall/ railing/ barrier, bringing back memories of ice skating parties that everyone seemed to have in our teens. Yes, great fun sliding around a ring, pulling myself along via the outside barriers, not moving my feet for fear of sliding right over.

Just love my trees and plants :)
Okay. Well I thought I had more to say, but actually I don't. Just gunna sip the rest of my now cold Earl Grey, eat more Roses (which tbh I;m getting kinda sick of. Might hide them so I stop eating for the sake of it, and save until I appreciate them), and think about opening some books.
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